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Truly improve care with the leading clinical decision support tool

PCP is the leading point of care tool that truly supports primary and ambulatory care professionals not only in making decisions but improving patient safety and speed of care
- Differential diagnosis generator
- Drug interaction generator
- Medical calculators
- IV compatibility tool
- Drug allergy checker
- Lab manual
Everything a physician needs to support efficient, high-quality care without leaving patient’s side
Benefit from
- 3000+ clinical conditions and disease profiles
- Largest drug data base of over 8500 trades, generics, OTCs and herbals
- 1100+ evidence based medicine topics from the Family Physicians Inquiries Network (FPIN), fully integrated
- Over 3000 prepopulated, adult and pediatric dosing calculators
- Over 400 labtests
- Over 750 illustrations of medical diseases and topics
- Acute care reference information
- Differential diagnosis checker
- Drug interaction checker including duplicate therapy, OTCs, herbals and foods
- Interactive drug allergy checker
- IV compatibility tool
Contact us for free demo or partnership concerns