Why digital in pharma is worthwhile investment for 2020?
The year 2014 saw the launch and evolution of many pharmaceutical companies in the digital realm if not present already. Patient centric engagement philosophy has started taking roots in strategic plans, and will continue to influence major marketing decisions.
Digtal Pharma Marketing Challenges: Brand Safety
Although digital pharma marketing has gained roots in the healthcare system, challenges abound in terms of its use in pharma industry. The reasons are many, with most based on health care and pharma compliance concerns. Despite these challenges, the annual growth of pharma industry’s digital spending has crossed $1 Billion, with more on the way. These digital marketing efforts include e-Detailing, mobile applications and email marketing campaigns to name a few.
Marketing strategies for Pharma
Current pharma industry is becoming increasingly challenging. While health care demand has risen globally, the rise of smaller and me too pharma companies have made consumer engagement difficult. The physicians are more pressed for time, which means lesser time for pharma representatives. Marketing strategies in pharma need much more than the traditional approach.
From traditional to digital: the steps towards digital pharma marketing
Digital pharma marketing is becoming the next frontier for healthcare marketers. The roll in of multiple marketing channels such as edetailing, digital media and web apps have created a new area of interest among marketers seeking optimum top of mind among physicians. However, not much is known about this avenue; let alone how to safely navigate serious pharmaceutical brands in it.
How do I make a better customer experience for my pharma clients?
Going back to the basics seems the best way to realign a strategy and identify any deviations which inadvertently creep in marketing efforts. This becomes even more important in pharmaceutical marketing efforts, due to the sensitivity of the product and product image.
Digital Marketing Campaigns
Digital marketing campaigns are applying digital technological tools in conjunction with direct and traditional market. Digital health campaigns help acquire and retain healthcare customers and onsumers while developing deeper relationships based on medical accuracy and trust.